Amazon SEO Guide: Top Strategies for Ranking Highly

Mastering Amazon SEO: Your Comprehensive Amazon SEO Handbook

A customer only has one objective while visiting Amazon: to purchase certain goods. But the real query is: where will he or she obtain it?

Now, if you want the response to be “you,” it’s critical to understand the ways Amazon SEO functions in the present context and how to circumvent A9-algorithm of Amazon.

In light of this, here is Amazon Seo Guide’s detailed tutorial that not only explains the way the online retailer’s product ranking algorithm functions but also identifies the essential tactics and resources to outperform your rivals.

So let’s get going.

Recognize How Amazon Search Operates 

Similar to Google, Amazon examines the search results using its algorithm, which once again takes into account a variety of characteristics.

A9 is the name of the underlying search engine. The algorithm uses a number of criteria to determine how well millions of goods kept in its database match the consumers’ search queries.

You should have a basic grasp of how Amazon search functions before we discuss the numerous strategies to enhance your Amazon product listings.

Typically, this comprises the search results page for Amazon, the many categories there, promoted goods, and search filters.

The search results page on Amazon

Amazon Seller Central’s extensive categorization system is used for all of its items. For more information about Amazon Seller Central, see this detailed tutorial.

There are two methods by which the items are shown at the result page when a user, customer, or shopper (whatever you want to refer to it) searches for anything on Amazon:

Each result page for this layout style has 15 to 16 goods.

On each result page, there are around 24–25 goods using the gallery view layout type.

To properly categorize the product utilizing these views and filters, this expertise is required.

Sponsored Products on Amazon 

The Sponsored Products category is a crucial one in Amazon’s search results. They may be found on several pages that are dispersed throughout the book. The sponsored product outcomes are frequently merged with organic outcomes or displayed at the top of a product page.

You will also need to prepare the promoted items for Amazon SEO along with the appropriate keyword bidding tactics. Your goods will be placed on the initial Rank of the sponsored items by using the proper Amazon SEO tactics and PPC campaigns.

The Search Filters on Amazon

Then, there will be filter fields on the left-hand side. The product’s category, seller rating, shipping method, brand, color, and product condition are just a few of the criteria available. The algorithms on Amazon are clever.

Assuming that it is indicated in the item’s listing language, they are built in a way to grasp whether the item is black or brown. The product is only eligible to be presented in the group of the filter query when this detail is contained in the listing copy. It makes sense that an “optimized listing” is important.

Discover Amazon’s Search Engine Ranking

The inverse ranking is used in the Amazon Revenues Rank algorithm. Accordingly, a product with the lowest sales ranks last, while one with the most sales ranks first.

There are three crucial elements any Amazon seller should keep in mind, despite the fact that many consumers and analysts are still attempting to discover what influences the sales rankings:

  • Even Amazon has a search engine, much like Google. This implies that SEO also exists.
  • Buyers will undoubtedly search for what you sell before coming upon it amid competing goods. At this point, increasing the exposure of your goods is essential. Right here is the place where the SEO for Amazon comes into play. Correct Amazon SEO tactics not only boost your ranks but also encourage more sales.
  • Your rivals are looking for an extensive Amazon SEO guide just as you are. Therefore, it is imperative that you start using SEO methods right away.

Every Amazon seller is aware of the importance of the platform’s search engine and why achieving higher rankings on the search engine results page is essential for a profitable enterprise. Potential purchasers will never notice things that do not appear on the very initial page of their search results. Additionally, some customers never look above the first three listings.

What Is the A9 Algorithm from Amazon

The search results are shown using Amazon’s A9 product ranking algorithm based on the queries, keywords, or key phrases put into the search box. The results displayed are influenced by previous purchases made by clients, their purchasing habits, & a few other elements.

How Does It Work? 

The algorithm decides which goods to display to prospective customers and how high each one can rank depending on a number of factors, including:

  • relevance to search terms or keywords
  • previous consumer behavior and preferences
  • the number of prior purchases of a certain product.

There are many other considerations besides those mentioned above. Since A9 is a corporate top-secret of Amazon, its capabilities cannot be exactly ascertained. The complexity of the algorithm can be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. So, the secrecy around how it operates is effectively preserved. However, after a few experiments, you may obtain a general notion of how it functions, and that is precisely what we will reveal in this article.

What Are The Important Facts About Amazon SEO?

A seller has to be aware of the important ranking elements that comprise the A9 algorithm in order to maximize their listing on Amazon. We’ll examine how the “optimization” component is carried out now that you have a solid idea of how the items are categorized and what a URL is.

Along with learning about Amazon’s ON Page search engine optimization, you will discover the many criteria that Amazon uses to determine which products to display in the top results.

Remember that Amazon aims to give its consumers a positive and happy shopping experience. Only content customers will return to Amazon repeatedly and make larger purchases.

What Elements Constitute “Desirability”?

The user and their experience are the main focus of the “desirability” influencing elements. This focuses on the degree to which one converts after they are at the item’s page.

These mostly consist of on-page elements like:

  • attractive product pictures
  • Product title optimized Product price competitive
  • favorable product evaluations
  • Clear, bullet-pointed product descriptions
  • Product title that appeals to users and increases click-through rates
  • communicating how your product differs from the competition

What Elements Constitute “Discoverability”?

The “discoverability” criteria differ from the “desirability” elements in that they are not user-focused. Instead, they are focusing on the metrics that evaluate how a product is presented and the likelihood that it will be purchased.

It is obvious that Amazon prioritizes the most lucrative product with a high conversion rate given that they take into account a number of parameters, including:

  • Price Fulfillment method 
  • Stock accessibility
  • Amazon keyword optimization for shipping costs.

How to Optimize Your Product Listings (Step-by-Step Guide)

Here are some pointers and techniques for dealing with Amazon’s A9 ranking criteria and methodically enhancing the outcomes:

Step 1: Select an Amazon product

One of the most important ranking elements for Amazon is a properly optimized product title. As with other search engines, Amazon has its own search engine, thus term optimization is crucial. You will never succeed because you have never given the study of keywords or optimizing keywords for your product any serious consideration.

Never fill your titles with keywords; potential customers won’t find it enticing. Maintain the title in such a manner that not only accurately explains the product but also organically incorporates the keyword.

However, very short titles take up less space and frequently offer lower CTRs. Given how many people use Amazon to search for certain brands, the brand name should always be mentioned and can be found on the product page. 

Use two or three keywords that describe the product and have a significant amount of searches. The appropriate product title impacts a product’s rate of conversion and click-through rates in addition to improving search rankings.

As a result, make sure the title’s first 5 to 6 words are readable, clear, and brief. These little adjustments both improve the title’s Amazon search optimization and make it appealing for users to click.

Step 2: Discovering Product Keywords on Amazon

Choose the top 4 or 5 items that have the most reviews and are highly ranked. Look through the list for the keywords that are closest to your product. Yes, this takes time and requires comprehension. Use our Cheap Amazon keyword analysis tool alternatively to save time and effort.

When you have prepared your list, you can cross-reference it using the tool above to determine the volume of searches for each item. Your product listings now have the ideal collection of keywords to focus on.

In order to improve your performance and attract relevant visitors to your listing, use Amazon SEO, keeping the wider picture in mind. Usually, this entails optimizing for the search terms they use.

Analyze the keyword list’s potential for traffic. To help you estimate the entire size of the prospective internet market, examine the use of those terms.

Create compelling content centered on those keywords. Utilizing keywords can help you connect with potential consumers right away and meet their wants.

Step 3: Product cost OF Amazon

Consider competitors for all similar items whenever you decide on a “price” for your product. Greater pricing differences will never prevail. Always strive to undercut or match the pricing of your rivals. To throw the little fish out, try lowering the costs to absurd levels.

Undoubtedly, one of the key performance aspects that influences a consumer’s decision to buy a product is the pricing. You shouldn’t be overly pricey if compared with what your rivals are offering in the market because it will significantly lower your sales.

Step 4:Product pictures of Amazon

When enticing potential customers to an online store like Amazon, the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is absolutely accurate.

Never underestimate an image’s power. Key factors in driving sales are product images. Although they have no direct influence on Amazon SEO, they have a significant impact on lowering bounce rates.

Customers may also get a closer look at items thanks to Amazon’s zoom option for photos. The use of HD or photographs is thus advised for vendors.

Sales have been linked to photographs of greater quality. This essentially implies that buyers are more likely to view your listing because of the photographs.

Remember that since photos have a greater impact on velocity, they significantly affect the Amazon SERPs.  Additionally, you may experiment with various graphic tactics to draw customers.

Consider how Medalia Art elevated their sales approach to a new level by utilizing distinctive picture strategies. After you changed their artwork images with the images of the appropriate painters, they noticed an increase in CTRs of roughly 95%.

Images in e-commerce help to portray the goods in a trustworthy manner. People are typically visual, thus a compelling image obviously effectively communicates. Outstanding impacts of a beautiful picture on a customer.

A fantastic product image can entice a customer to return to your listing page even after they have looked at some other product listings. You can quickly conjure this magic on a user.

Let’s examine 2 possible image arrangements of a very basic product. Which of these do you anticipate using to make your purchase? Which row is higher, the top or bottom? Comment and let us know what you have to say.

Step 5: Description of Amazon Product

The product description still has a solid relevance for the purchasing decision, while not having as strong of a ranking influence as the item’s title or bullet points.

Once more, be sure to include the appropriate keywords and put a lot of emphasis on persuasive and uplifting emotional reasoning.

Step 6: Bullet-pointed Features

Presenting products in paragraphs might have two downsides when creating a product description, including:

  • Because they are ambiguous, difficult to understand, and confusing, potential searchers and purchasers despise them. As a consequence, using them will only decrease your conversion rates and sales, as well as your exposure or velocity within Amazon search results.
  • The A9 algorithm on Amazon despises long passages of text or walls of text. Instead, likes information presented in bullets since they seem nicer, are simpler to understand, and are more clearly structured.

The key message is that you should utilize bullet points to accurately define your product in your writing.

Again, since the keywords are placed organically, you should exercise caution not to overstuff the bullet points with keywords and instead stress certain product qualities like size, weight, and color. It shouldn’t make reading it difficult.

Overall, the title takes up less room than the bullet points. The order among the keywords is irrelevant. Meeting the seekers and influencing them to buy is more crucial. Unresponsive bullet points might cause users to swiftly leave. This has an effect on the “bounce rate,” which can therefore have a detrimental effect on the rankings.

To increase sales, read our in-depth article on how to write a fantastic description in bullet points.

Step 7: Availability of Product Stock

An important precaution to take is to make sure your product never goes “out of stock,” since this might cost you a large number of rankings.

You may program automated reminders to alert you anytime your product inventory reaches a certain level at which you need to refill if you utilize Shipping Method or Amazon FBA.

However, where you are marketing your goods across many websites, you should make use of multichannel sync services to help you maintain the stock so that it never drops to zero. However, you may utilize independent stock management tools when Amazon becomes your only marketplace.

However, procurement, stocking, and shipping are all your responsibility when you are selling independently.

Step 8: Backend Search Keywords for the Product

These search phrases are now hidden from customers, although Amazon’s A9 algorithm typically indexes them. As a result, they can greatly enhance the search for a product. The following components should be included in your backend:

  • search phrases or keywords that you were unable to incorporate within the description or title.
  • Your product’s misspellings or relevant keywords, which shoppers nevertheless often look for on Amazon.
  • Given that there is a larger Spanish-speaking population in the United States, translate the language describing the item you are selling into Spanish or French.
  • shoppers may also check for further synonyms.

You may write them all up using a platform called SellerApp if you don’t know how to incorporate it in the backend.

Because a keyword’s score is unaffected by its frequency, you don’t need to repeat it too often in your listing. It solely has a detrimental effect.

Step 9: Ratings And Reviews For Products

The ratings and reviews that customers leave for a product are yet another important factor that is assessed and taken into account for improved results as it pertains to Amazon SEO. At the same time, they ensure that rankings are indirectly improved.

This in turn affects conversion rates and click-through rates. The worth of the product increases with the number of positive evaluations. The scores by other consumers and buyers, who may find the customer reviews useful or useless, also reflect this.

Similar to reviews, the tiny yellow stars are crucial for increasing click-through rates. These produced some excellent overall average ratings and several greater click incentives with the proper number.

Step 10: To Use FBA To Your Product

Your monthly cost for an expert Seller Account is $39.99. Although at first glance this may look a bit expensive, it is completely worthwhile. You are no longer required to pay the $1 charge per product that you were paying when you created an Independent Seller Account.

Check out our list of the top Amazon FBA courses if you’re a beginner wanting to start a profitable Amazon company.

With FBA, a professional seller increases your chances of appearing in the Amazon SERPs and aids in your quest for the “Buy Box.”


When your product listing is properly optimized, your product’s discoverability and attractiveness will increase by about 80%. The procedure, however, doesn’t stop there. To stay at the top of the results, it’s equally important to keep up with trends, algorithm modifications, and constant optimization.

You now have a thorough understanding of the Amazon A9 algorithm’s operation as well as ways to optimize it so that your listing becomes more visible in the marketplace. Should you still have trouble even after reading a lengthy piece, don’t worry; we have the resources you need to continue keeping your listings on track and boost your sales beyond your wildest expectations.

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