2024’s Hottest Amazon Product Categories: What’s Trending on the Marketplace?

Whether you’re just starting out as an Amazon seller or have been in the game for a while, selecting the right product category can be a real challenge. With more than 40 categories, narrowing down your focus and finding the perfect niche can be daunting.

So, we took the initiative to survey over 4,000 sellers to discover which categories are the most and least favorite across Amazon. This valuable information can help you make an informed decision about where to invest your efforts and resources.

What Amazon product categories do shoppers buy from the most?

Which Product Categories Are The Most Popular Among Amazon Shoppers? 

Knowing when and which customers are buying is crucial for marketing on Amazon or every other site. You certainly wouldn’t want to establish up business at a marketplace just to find that the parking lot is the wrong one, would you? 

This is true with Amazon and other online shopping. You’ll run into issues if you develop a product for a market or category where not many people purchase.

The chart below shows a comparison between different categories. 

In these groups, there are a lot of consumers, which may additionally suggest that there are a lot of vendors.  

You must measure the level of rivalry in addition to determining the likelihood that there are consumers for the products you sell. It might be challenging to make yourself stand out among an ocean of cherry slicers and olive crushers.

Top-Selling Product Categories On Amazon

Here is a breakdown of popular product categories on Amazon:

Electronics: Electronics, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and accessories, have consistently been top sellers. High demand for the latest gadgets and technology upgrades make this category competitive and lucrative.

Clothing and Fashion: Apparel, shoes, and accessories are perennial favorites. Amazon’s vast customer base makes it an attractive platform for fashion sellers. Niche segments like athleisure and sustainable fashion have also gained popularity.

Home and Kitchen: Products like cookware, kitchen appliances, furniture, and home decor items perform well. With more people shopping online for home essentials, this category has seen significant growth.

Health and Personal Care: Items like vitamins, supplements, skincare products, and fitness equipment have seen increased demand, especially with the growing health and wellness trends.

Books: While digital media has become increasingly popular, physical books still have a dedicated following on Amazon. Self-published authors have also thrived through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

Toys and Games: Children’s toys and games are consistent sellers, with holiday seasons driving significant sales. Educational toys and board games have gained traction.

Sports and Outdoors: This category includes fitness equipment, outdoor gear, and activewear. The increasing interest in fitness and outdoor activities has boosted sales.

Beauty and Personal Care: Cosmetics, skincare products, and grooming items are popular among Amazon shoppers. Private label beauty brands have found success on the platform.

Jewelry: Both fine jewelry and fashion jewelry have a presence on Amazon. Custom and handmade jewelry can also do well in this category.

Please note that the popularity of these categories may change over time, and new trends may emerge. Amazon’s marketplace is highly competitive, and success often depends on factors like product quality, marketing, and customer service.

Below is a simple table summarizing the popular product categories among Amazon sellers:

Rank Product Category Popularity (%)
1 Electronics 16%
2 Clothing and Fashion 20%
3 Home and Kitchen 35%
4 Health and Personal Care 26%
5 Books 1%
6 Toys and Games 18%
7 Sports and Outdoors 16%
8 Beauty and Personal Care 26%
9 Jewelry 20%
10 Pet Supplies 13%

What Is The Reason Behind The High Number Of Sellers In The Home and kitchen Category?

There are several reasons why many people choose to sell products in the Home & Kitchen category on Amazon. This category is one of the most popular and competitive on the platform, and it offers numerous advantages that attract sellers. Here’s an in-depth explanation of why this category is so appealing:

High Demand

Home and kitchen products are essential to daily life, and they cater to a broad customer base. People are constantly looking for items to improve their living spaces, whether it’s kitchen appliances, furniture, bedding, or decor. This high demand ensures a steady stream of potential customers.

Diverse Product Range

The Home & Kitchen category encompasses a wide variety of products, from small kitchen gadgets to large furniture items. This diversity allows sellers to choose from a broad range of niches and product types, giving them flexibility in finding their niche and catering to specific customer needs.

Repeat Purchases

Many home and kitchen products have a shorter lifespan or require regular replacement. For example, people often buy new cookware, utensils, or linens when they wear out or when they want to update their home decor. This leads to a continuous cycle of repeat purchases, increasing the potential for long-term customer relationships and revenue.

Seasonal Opportunities

Home & Kitchen sales can be seasonal, which opens up opportunities for sellers to capitalize on specific events or holidays. For example, the holiday season often sees increased sales in items like kitchen appliances, decorations, and home entertainment products.

Amazon’s Customer Base

Amazon has a massive and loyal customer base, with millions of shoppers visiting the platform daily. Selling in the Home and kitchen category allows sellers to tap into this extensive audience, increasing the visibility of their products.

Fulfillment Options

Amazon offers various fulfillment methods, including Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where Amazon handles storage, shipping, and customer service. This simplifies logistics and allows sellers to focus on product sourcing and marketing.

Brand Building

The Home & Kitchen category allows for brand building and expansion. Many successful sellers in this category start with a single product and gradually expand their product line to build a recognizable brand.

Global Reach

Amazon’s international presence allows sellers in the Home and kitchen category to reach customers around the world. This global marketplace can significantly expand the customer base and revenue potential

Profit Margins

Depending on the niche and product selection, there can be attractive profit margins in the Home and kitchen category. Sellers who can source products at competitive prices and optimize their operations can generate substantial profits.

How Can You Discover A Trending Niche For Selling?

Discovering a trending niche for selling involves thorough research and analysis. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you identify a profitable niche:

Keyword Research

Start by brainstorming ideas or interests you have. Then, use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify keywords and phrases related to those interests. Look for keywords with a decent search volume and low to moderate competition.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a valuable tool to gauge the popularity of specific keywords or topics over time. It can help you identify rising trends and seasonal fluctuations. Enter your keywords into Google Trends and analyze the data to see if there’s an upward trend.

Amazon Best Sellers and New Releases

Amazon is a massive marketplace with a wealth of data. Check out the “Best Sellers” and “New Releases” sections to see what products and categories are currently hot. This can give you ideas for niche products or categories.

Industry Reports and Blogs

Research industry-specific reports, blogs, and news sources related to your interests. These sources often provide insights into emerging trends and market gaps.

Competitor Analysis

Analyze your potential competitors in the niche you’re considering. Look at their product offerings, pricing strategies, customer reviews, and overall market presence. Identify gaps or areas where you can differentiate yourself.

Google Keyword Difficulty

Use keyword difficulty tools to assess the competition level for your chosen keywords. Tools like Moz and Ahrefs can provide keyword difficulty scores, helping you identify less competitive niches.

Evaluate Profitability

After identifying a trending niche, assess its profitability. Consider factors such as the cost of goods, potential profit margins, shipping logistics, and market demand.

Stay Updated

Trends change over time, so it’s essential to stay updated and adapt your strategy accordingly. Continuously monitor trends, customer feedback, and competitor movements.

Product Categories With The Lowest Seller Popularity On Amazon

Here are some product categories that have historically had lower seller popularity on Amazon:

Musical Items 2%
Video Games for PC 3%
Travel Gear & Luggage  4%
Vinyl and CD 4%
Fine Art and Collectibles  5%
Industrial  5%
Computers 6%
Automotive 6%
Games and Apps 8%
Mobile Accessories 10%
Appliances 12%

The above groups may have fewer vendors but they may nevertheless be lucrative. Remember: 

The general acceptance of the primary category has little bearing on revenue. It relies on the market segment picked, how popular the item is, the cost of products, pricing, and a number of other aspects.

More opportunities for vendors may result from fewer buyers. In 2023, forty-two percent of Amazon customers will purchase items from the tech area, while just 16% of merchants will be in that sector.

Do Certain Categories Yield Higher Profits Compared To Others?

Yes, some product categories on Amazon are generally more profitable than others. Profitability can vary based on factors such as competition, demand, product cost, pricing strategies, and overall market dynamics. Here are some insights into which categories tend to be more profitable:


Electronics, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and accessories, can be highly profitable due to the constant demand for the latest technology. However, competition can also be intense, so sellers need to carefully manage pricing and product quality.

Health and Personal Care

Items like vitamins, supplements, skincare products, and fitness equipment often have good profit margins. The growing health and wellness trends can drive sales and profitability in this category.

Beauty and Personal Care

Cosmetics, skincare products, and grooming items can offer attractive profit margins, especially for private label brands. Effective marketing and product differentiation are essential in this competitive space.

Home and Kitchen

While competition is high, the diverse range of products in this category allows sellers to find niches with good profitability. Seasonal opportunities, repeat purchases, and Amazon’s vast customer base contribute to potential profits.

Clothing and Fashion

Apparel, shoes, and accessories can be profitable, particularly if you focus on specific niches or fashion trends. High-quality, unique designs, and effective branding can set you apart from competitors.


Both fine jewelry and fashion jewelry can offer good profit margins. Custom and handmade jewelry can also be lucrative for sellers who can create unique, high-quality pieces.

Sports and Outdoors

This category includes fitness equipment, outdoor gear, and activewear. As more people prioritize fitness and outdoor activities, there’s potential for profit, especially if you offer unique or specialized products.

Toys and Games

Children’s toys and games can be profitable, especially during holiday seasons. Educational toys and niche board games can have higher profit margins.


While physical book sales have declined in some areas, they can still be profitable, particularly for self-published authors who utilize Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

It’s important to note that profitability can vary within these categories, and success often depends on factors such as your sourcing strategy, marketing efforts, and customer service. 

Additionally, what’s considered profitable can change over time as market trends evolve, so staying updated and adaptable is crucial for long-term success on Amazon. Conduct thorough research and analysis before entering any category to assess its specific profit potential.

Which Fields Could Offer More Possibilities?

It’s intriguing that a single of the less prevalent items—handmade, which has 6% fewer sellers—is among the most successful merchants (those with an average profit of at least 20%).

Although there are plenty of successful Amazon sellers in every area, here are also a sizable number of unsuccessful vendors. Of those polled, 8% of vendors aren’t successful, and an additional 8% are unsure about their financial situation. 

14% of merchants in the industry’s most prominent sector (Home and Kitchen) are losing money or are unsure of how much they make. 

Selecting a particular market over another won’t ensure that the good you sell will be lucrative, but niche markets provide opportunities. 

Just eighty-seven percent of vendors are in the business of selling automotive parts & devices, however, 42% of these merchants report earnings of 21% to 100% or more.

New sellers have limited options in the automobile category, however, it may be worthwhile to overcome the first difficulties in order to be able to market in markets where other people cannot.

There will be less rivalry in lesser-known categories. Your capacity to: influence your success in a niche market.

  • Carry out an appropriate study of products
  • Obtain high-quality goods.
  • Discuss prices
  • give off a better impression of worth
  • Run successful PPC advertisements
  • Make an improved listing.

Discovering Low-Competition Gems in High-Demand Product Categories

Finding lower competition products in a popular category on Amazon can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Lower competition can mean less saturation and potentially higher profit margins. Here are some steps to help you identify such products:

Market Research

Start by selecting a category or niche that interests you or aligns with your expertise. Make sure it’s a popular category on Amazon to ensure potential demand.

Use Amazon’s own search bar to enter relevant keywords related to the category you’re interested in. Take note of the suggested search terms that pop up, as they can provide insights into popular searches.

Look at the number of search results for each keyword. Extremely high numbers may indicate high competition, while lower numbers suggest a less saturated market.

Check Best Sellers and Top Keywords

Examine the best-selling products within your chosen category. These can provide insights into what’s currently in demand.

Utilize Amazon’s “Best Sellers” and “Hot New Releases” sections to identify trending products.

Tools like Amazon’s A9 algorithm and paid research tools like Helium 10 can help you find top-performing keywords and products in your category.

Consider Niche Markets

One strategy is to dive into niche markets within a popular category. Niche products often have lower competition and can target a specific, passionate audience.

Look for subcategories or specialized niches within your chosen category. These may have less competition compared to broader categories.

Use Research Tools like Jungle Scout

Tools like Jungle Scout can be valuable for analyzing Amazon product data. You can use them to filter and sort products based on various criteria such as sales rank, reviews, and price.

Jungle Scout can also help you identify products with lower competition by analyzing factors like the number of reviews and sales history.

While Jungle Scout is a paid tool, it can provide valuable insights into product opportunities.

Analyze Reviews and Ratings

Examine the reviews and ratings of products in your chosen category. Products with a high number of negative reviews or a low average rating may indicate opportunities for improvement and lower competition.

Consider whether you can address the shortcomings of existing products and create a better version.


In conclusion, as of 2023, Amazon’s marketplace continues to be a dynamic and ever-evolving platform, showcasing a wide range of trending product categories. While the specific trends may change over time, some overarching themes remain consistent. 

Technology and electronics continue to dominate, with innovations like smart home devices, wearables, and gaming accessories capturing consumer attention. Health and wellness products have also gained prominence, reflecting a growing awareness of personal well-being. Sustainable and eco-friendly options are increasingly sought after, highlighting a growing concern for the environment.

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